Is Luck Created, or Found?
Let's say your friend recently told you about a new Netflix show.
Mental Health Lessons from a TikTok Generation
There's a trend in the workplace you might have heard of called "quiet quitting."
Lessons We Missed in School
If you’ve been on Instagram in the past few weeks, it’s quite likely that you’ve seen this meme on your feed.
Discover NLP
Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t speak the same language as you?
The Love Economy
Let’s think about some economic principles: giving and receiving, exchange, policies, scarcity, or paradoxes. Sounds familiar with love, right?
Thanksgiving This Year Feels Different
Last year today, we were grateful for a set of endless blessings, but this year, given the pandemic, we're most thankful for our health, family, and survival.